Our Persistent Drive to Combat Fraud in the
We are proud to announce that Identidad Technologies has been one of the 19 international carriers certified as compliant with the ITW Global Leaders’ Forum (GLF) Code of Conduct to prevent fraud in international telecommunications.
The purpose of this recognition is to help the Code of Conduct signatories warrant they have the necessary capabilities and systems in place to comply with its principles which include:
Additionally, this certification provides third parties with an independent verification of carrier’s capabilities to actively fight fraud.
Fight Against Fraud The ITW Global Leaders’ Forum (GLF) exists to provide leadership and direction to interconnect the digital world
Additionally, this certification provides third parties an independent verification of carrier’s capabilities to actively fight fraud.
This recognition coincides with our 20-year anniversary and showcases the efforts we
have placed to create a transparent and healthy industry that seeks to minimize and
eradicate fraud in the telecommunication industry. According to the GLF webpage: “The ITW Global Leaders’ Forum (GLF) is committed to eradicate fraud from the wholesale telecom industry. This requires a concerted effort by every industry player, to work collaboratively against a criminal enterprise that costs the industry an estimated $17 billion per year. The GLF has taken the lead in this effort and, in partnership with the i3forum, has launched a Code of Conduct to bring carriers together to fight fraud in international telecoms.”
Over the past two decades, Identidad Technologies has earned its leadership position in
Voice and SMS for the Latin-American and Caribbean markets. We believe in the concept
that Nimble is synonymous with efficiency and productivity. With technology and innovation at our core, we have maintained a lean and efficient operation and generated over 30% gross income growth year over year since 2015.
Identidad is one of the wholesale voice carriers excelling as a successful SMS A2P operator and currently transports over 2 billion messages per year to the Americas, earning two years in a row the title of “Best SMS/A2P provider in Americas” by Capacity Magazine.
Our focus on growth expands beyond Voice and SMS. We leverage our nimble and flexible
business platform to expand into new markets and introduce new products to our portfolio, including an omnichannel platform for communication solutions, Connectivity and Ip Services, and IoT.
You can visit our website at identidadfoundation.com or contact us at sales@identidadtech.com
For further information on the GLF organization you can visit: www.itwglf.com
Our Persistent Drive to Combat Fraud in the
We Continue to Actively Fight Fraud in the Industry
We Continue to Actively Fight Fraud in the
Starting May 1st, 2022, Identidad Technologies will manage
Starting January 15, 2022, Identidad Technologies will manage
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